LEch Poznan vs Spartak Trnava predictions and match statistics
Prediction and Match Data Lech Poznan vs Spartak Trnava
Predict the Player with the Most Goals
Based on their performances in the last few matches, the players who have the potential to score the most goals in this match are Lech Poznan striker Robert Lewandowski and Spartak Trnava striker Marek Bakos. Both have shown their effectiveness in scoring goals and can be a threat to opposing teams.
Data on Number of Yellow Cards
Until now, Lech Poznan has a better record in terms of the number of yellow cards. In the last five matches, Lech Poznan only received three yellow cards, while Spartak Trnava received six yellow cards in the same period. This shows that Lech Poznan has an advantage in game discipline and is able to maintain their aggressive level.
Data on Number of Opportunities to Score Goals
If you look at the statistics of previous matches, Lech Poznan shows a higher average chance of scoring a goal than Spartak Trnava. In the last five matches, Lech Poznan recorded an average of 15 chances to score per game, while Spartak Trnava recorded an average of 10 chances to score per game. This shows that Lech Poznan has an advantage in creating more opportunities.
Data on the Number of Goalkeeper Saves
The goalkeeper’s appearance is an important factor in this game. Data shows that Lech Poznan goalkeeper Wojciech SzczÄ™sny has made more saves than Spartak Trnava goalkeeper Martin Chudy in the last five matches. In that period, SzczÄ™sny recorded 20 saves, while Chudy only recorded 15. This shows that Lech Poznan has an advantage in terms of goal protection.
In this match, Lech Poznan has the potential to win based on their advantage in several data aspects. However, Spartak Trnava also has talented players who can change the course of the game. The two teams will meet each other determined to win, and only time will tell the outcome.