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Easiest Way to Cook Delicious Spicy Grilled Beef

Spicy Grilled Beef. Heat the grill or a grill pan to medium. Rub the meat with some olive oil and season it generously with salt and pepper. Grill the tenderloin, browning it on all sides, until it is medium rare,.

Spicy Grilled Beef Season with sea salt and pepper. Slice the beef tenderloin and add the steaks into the tomato sauce. Make sure you cover the meat well with the tomato sauce. You can cook Spicy Grilled Beef using 12 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Spicy Grilled Beef

  1. Prepare 500 gr of beef slice (shortplate beef).
  2. Prepare 2 buah of cabe merah keriting.
  3. You need 2 buah of cabe rawit merah.
  4. You need 1 tangkai of daun bawang.
  5. You need 1/4 buah of bawang bombay.
  6. It’s secukupnya of Minyak.
  7. It’s of Bahan saos:.
  8. It’s 5-6 sdm of Kecap manis (sesuai selera).
  9. Prepare 3 sdm of kecap asin.
  10. Prepare 2 sdm of minyak wijen.
  11. Prepare secukupnya of Lada.
  12. Prepare secukupnya of Kaldu jamur (kurleb 1 sdt).

Spicy Grilled Steaks Rubs are a wonderful way to add flavor to meat when you don't have time to marinate. Meat lovers will be in their glory when they see (and smell!) these steaks sizzling on the grill. Spicy Grilled Steaks Recipe photo by Taste of Home Rinse the beef and dry it. In a deep container, heat the soy sauce and wine, being careful not to let them boil.

Spicy Grilled Beef instructions

  1. Siapkan saosnya terlebih dahulu. Campur semua bahan saos dalam wadah, aduk rata.
  2. Panaskan minyak secukupnya, tumis bawang bombay hingga mulai kecoklatan, masukkan cabe yg sudah diiris, tumis hingga agak layu.
  3. Masukkan daging, tumis sebentar hingga mulai berubah warna, masukkan campuran saos, tumis hingga merata.
  4. Tes rasa, masukkan daun bawang, tumis lagi sebentar. Angkat.
  5. Pindahkan ke piring/wadah tahan panas, bakar dg torch sebentar sambil diaduk hingga merata..
  6. Taburkan sedikit wijen sangrai, irisan cabe & daun bawang diatasnya. Spicy beef slice siap disajikan…

Add the sugar, chopped chili peppers, cumin and cloves. Spicy Grilled NEW YORK STEAK Steak seasoned with rosemary, garlic, paprika, cayenne pepper, soy sauce, salt, and pepper. An easy grilled meat recipe that costs half the price but tastes as good restaurant steaks. I don't eat steak much, but when I do, I really go all out! My favorite cuts are New York steak or rib-eye, dry-aged with marbling.

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